Friday, June 19, 2015

ESP8266 - Arduino IDE v1.6.4 Portable installation Guide

As been asked so many times in the latest days about, please find below a quick install guide that might help you to have a smooth and easy installation:

Arduino IDE 1.6.4 Portable - Blinky test:

Detailed instructions:

1. Download and install Arduino IDE 1.6.4  from  

    In a Windows 7/64 environment I preffer to use the ZIP file:
     and install it manually, in a more compact and portable manner.

  • Create a New Folder where do you want your Arduino IDE installation to be (ex: D:\ESP8266_Arduino)

  • Delete to free your space
  • Inside the new "arduino-1.6.4" subfolder create a New Folder called "Portable"  

In this way you can avoid the way Arduino is installing files all over the place on your system. All your Arduino IDE v 1.6.4 files will be located only under the new created "arduino-1.6.4" folder. And yes, your drive can be in this case a Stick/SD Card or external HDD/SSD Drive so you can take your Arduino IDE and your projects everywhere, just ready for coding!

2.  Start the new installed Arduino IDE.
  •  Go to File 
  •  Preferences -  in  Preferences window go to "additional boards manager URL's" where you need to paste the following link:

  •  Click OK button.
  • Go to Tools 
  •  Boards  - > Boards manager, in the Boards manager window select "contributed" from the TYPE drop 
  •  Select ESP8266 by ESP8266 community forum and version 1.6.2 

  •  Press Install. 

    Installation process can take a while, so please be patient! A cup of tea/coffee might work here :)

4. Restart IDE

5. Select your board as ADAFRUIT HUZZAH ESP8266 or GenericESP8266 Module. For CBDBv2 EVO use provided config file or GenericESP8266.

6. Select CPU frequency: 80Mhz

7. Select your Serial port and upload speed. Looks like it's working upto 921600 but quite unstable. Keep the usual 115200 baud for more solid upload results.

   You are ready for your first ESP8266 Program written in Arduino IDE :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Arduino IDE - Nasty bug in dtostrf() ESP8266 STDLIB function - FIXED!

    Working last days on the driver for MAX7219 8 digit display module I found that dtostrf() ESP8266 STDLIB function is not working properly for values containing "0"'s after dot, like: 1.0256,1.00256, etc.

With the quick written test code from below and  the collaboration of the great guys from Forum was able to confirm that it is a nasty BUG and is affecting ESP8266 libraries only, on Arduino (AVR) boards results confirmed from different sources as been OK.


void setup() {
 // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:

void print_float(int no, float fVal, String sVal )
char charVal[12];          //temporarily holds data from vals 
String stringVal = "";     //data on buff is copied to this string

dtostrf(fVal, 8, 4, charVal);  
//4 is mininum width, 3 is precision; float value is copied onto buff

stringVal = charVal;
int strl = stringVal.length()-1;

Serial.print(no);  //just a order number
//the number represented as string for reference 
Serial.print(". Expected value :"); Serial.print(sVal); 
//display lenght of the obtained string after conversion  
Serial.print(" - String Length: ");Serial.print(strl);
//display the value as stored in stringVal 
Serial.print(" - Conversion value in stringVal :");

void loop() {
   print_float(1,1.256,"1.2560");   //No 1
   print_float(2,1.0256,"1.0256");  //No 2
   print_float(3,1.00256,"1.0026"); //No 3
   delay(5000);        // delay in between reads for stability

WRONG RESULT - ESP8266 build

1. Expected value :1.2560 - String Length: 5 - Conversion value in stringVal: 1.2560
2. Expected value :1.0256 - String Length: 4 - Conversion value in stringVal: 1.256
3. Expected value :1.0026 - String Length: 3 - Conversion value in stringVal: 1.26
TEST PASSED RESULT - Arduino (AVR) build:

1. Expected value :1.2560 - String Length: 7 - Conversion value in stringVal: 1.2560
2. Expected value :1.0256 - String Length: 7 - Conversion value in stringVal: 1.0256
3. Expected value :1.0026 - String Length: 7 - Conversion value in stringVal: 1.0026

For ESP8266 Arduino IDE package the "dtostrf()" function is hidding in "core_esp8266_noniso.c" and is called by "#include<stdlib_noniso.h>"

Original code below:

char * dtostrf(double number, signed char width, unsigned char prec, char *s) 

    if(isnan(number)) {
        strcpy(s, "nan");
        return s;
    if(isinf(number)) {
        strcpy(s, "inf");
        return s;

    if(number > 4294967040.0 || number < -4294967040.0) {
        strcpy(s, "ovf");
        return s;
    char* out = s;
    // Handle negative numbers
    if(number < 0.0) {
        *out = '-';
        number = -number;

    // Round correctly so that print(1.999, 2) prints as "2.00"
    double rounding = 0.5;
    for(uint8_t i = 0; i < prec; ++i)
        rounding /= 10.0;

    number += rounding;

    // Extract the integer part of the number and print it
    unsigned long int_part = (unsigned long) number;
    double remainder = number - (double) int_part;
    out += sprintf(out, "%d", int_part);

    // Print the decimal point, but only if there are digits beyond
    if(prec > 0) {
        *out = '.';

    while(prec-- > 0) {
        remainder *= 10.0;
    sprintf(out, "%d", (int) remainder);

    return s;

   Going step-by-step thru the code is quite easy to find out that the remainder part is moved into integer, but on the iteration process the leading zeroes are not added into the buffer.

  The fix is simple, changing the remainder add section in a way to properly add the "0"'s to the buffer  until the remainder part become non-zero:

while(prec-- > 0) {
        remainder *= 10.0;
        if((int)remainder == 0){
                *out = '0';

The fixed dtostrf() code below:

char * dtostrf(double number, signed char width, unsigned char prec, char *s)

    if(isnan(number)) {
        strcpy(s, "nan");
        return s;
    if(isinf(number)) {
        strcpy(s, "inf");
        return s;

    if(number > 4294967040.0 || number < -4294967040.0) {
        strcpy(s, "ovf");
        return s;
    char* out = s;
    // Handle negative numbers
    if(number < 0.0) {
        *out = '-';
        number = -number;

    // Round correctly so that print(1.999, 2) prints as "2.00"
    double rounding = 0.5;
    for(uint8_t i = 0; i < prec; ++i)
        rounding /= 10.0;

    number += rounding;

    // Extract the integer part of the number and print it
    unsigned long int_part = (unsigned long) number;
    double remainder = number - (double) int_part;
    out += sprintf(out, "%d", int_part);

    // Print the decimal point, but only if there are digits beyond
    if(prec > 0) {
        *out = '.';

    while(prec-- > 0) {
        remainder *= 10.0;
        if((int)remainder == 0){
                *out = '0';
    sprintf(out, "%d", (int) remainder);

    return s;

To fix your own ESP8266 Arduino IDE lib, just replace the old "dtostrf()" function  in "core_esp8266_noniso.c" with the code above.

I have posted it also on, maybe somebody will put the fix also in mainstream code.

All the credits for the bugfix will go this time to "Delta_G" from forum, who was the quickest in posting a solution. They are also other solutions, including mine, but this one it's the most elegant until now.

 Please feel free to add yours if you want :)

Monday, June 15, 2015

Arduino IDE - MAX7219 - 8 Digit Display Driver

   As you know from my previous Article I got recently some nice MAX7219 8 Digit Display Modules.

   Had a lot fun fun with them, looks a nice and stable solution so I'm thinking to use them as Display for one of my future projects.

   Meanwhile I was also playing with ESP8266 CBDBv2 EVO and Arduino IDE and because it looks like the latest 1.6.4 version  it's becoming more stable and usable than previous releases I will give it a try for MAX7219 Driver implementation.

   I still consider ESP8266 + NodeMCU LUA interpreter as the best environment for Learning/Drivers Developpment or even small projects, offering you a great flexibility that a Interpreter can give you   but it's obviously that for bigger projects you need something else, so let's give Arduino IDE a try.

What we will need:

 I will not insist to much on the Arduino IDE install process, it is a quite trivial process. If anybody wants more details about please feel free to ask.

MAX 7219 - 8 digit display driver connections

Wire        MAX7219     ESP8266

Green      +5Vcc
Blue        GND               GND
Yellow     DIN                 13
White      CS                  12
Orange    CLK                14

   MAX7219 Driver  Implementation

    For details about MAX Timing Diagram,  Registers, Initialisation, etc please take a look at the detailed description from the previous MAX7219 article.

1.  Init

int INTENSITYMIN = 0; // minimum brightness, valid range [0,15]
int INTENSITYMAX = 1; // maximum brightness, valid range [0,15]

int DIN_PIN = 13;      // data in pin
int CS_PIN = 12;       // load (CS) pin
int CLK_PIN = 14;      // clock pin
int dly = 50;          // delay in us
int adc=0;             // read ADC
int spr=32;            // number of readings
int offset=5;          // input offset

float nr = 1.0054;     // number to be displayed

// MAX7219 registers
byte MAXREG_INTENSITY  = 0x0a;
byte MAXREG_SCANLIMIT  = 0x0b;
byte MAXREG_SHUTDOWN   = 0x0c;
byte MAXREG_DISPTEST   = 0x0f;

2. Write serialised data

void putByte(byte data)
  byte i = 8;
  byte mask;
  while (i > 0)
    mask = 0x01 << (i - 1);        // apply bitmask
    digitalWrite( CLK_PIN, LOW);   // CLK
    if (data & mask)               // select bit
    {  digitalWrite(DIN_PIN, HIGH); // send 1
      digitalWrite(DIN_PIN, LOW);  // send 0
    digitalWrite(CLK_PIN, HIGH);   // CLK
    --i;                           // move to next bit

3. Set Register

void setRegistry(byte reg, byte value)
  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, LOW);
  putByte(reg);   // specify register
  putByte(value); // send data

  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, LOW);
  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH);


4. Convert anf Print float value in format

void print_LED(float fVal, int w, int p)
  int d = 1;
  int ch = 1;
  int n = 0;
  int nr_size = 0;
  char charVal[11];               //temporarily holds data from vals
  String stringVal = "";     //data on buff is copied to this string
  //dtostrf(fVal, w, p, charVal);  //4 is mininum width, 3 is precision; 

                           //NOT WORKING FOR Values SMALLER THAT 0.01 !!
  // stringVal = charVal;
  // created a new function below for converting properly a pozitive float to string

  int strl = stringVal.length()-1; 
  for (int i=0;i<strl+1;i++)
  { charVal[i]=stringVal[i]; }
    Serial.print("Length: ");Serial.println(strl); //display string
  //convert charVal[] to LED Display string
  for(int i=0;i<strl+1;i++)
    if ((charVal[i] == '.') && (d==1))
    n = 0;
    n = (n * 10) + (charVal[i-1] - 48);
    setRegistry(strl-i+1, 128+n);
    d = 0;   
    else  {          
        Serial.print("d: ");Serial.print(d); //display string
        Serial.print("  - Increment: ");Serial.print(i); //display string
        Serial.print(" - INT: ");Serial.println(charVal[i]); //display string
        n = (n * 10) + (charVal[i] - 48);
        int pos = i;
        if (d==0) { pos = i-1; }

5. Convert float value to a string 
 String ftos(float fVal, int prec)
  int mlt=10;
  String snr; 
  String dp;
  int iprt,dprt;
  iprt = int(fVal);

   // Round fVal for proper prec printing - correctly so that print(1.999, 2) prints as "2.00"
   double rnd = 0.5;
   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < prec; ++i)
        rnd /= 10.0;
        mlt *= 100;
    fVal += rnd;

 // Check and count "0"'s proper after ZERO (0.00xx) number display
  dprt = 1000*(fVal-iprt); 
  if (dprt < 10)
    dp = "00" + String(dprt);
        if (dprt < 100)
          dp = "0" + String(dprt);
        }else {dp = dprt;}

  snr = String(iprt) +"."+String(dp); 

  //Serial.print("MLT: ");Serial.println(mlt);  
  //Serial.print("DEC Part: ");Serial.println(dprt);  
  //Serial.print("Int Part: ");Serial.println(iprt);             
  //Serial.print(" . "); 
  //Serial.print("DP: "); Serial.print(dp);

  return snr;

5. Create a  Display 'ZERO' init stage

void zero_lcd()
 for (int i=1;i<9;i++)
  setRegistry(i, 0);

6.  MAX7219 Initialisation  

void init_MAX7219()
  // select allocated I/O pins
  pinMode(DIN_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CLK_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CS_PIN, OUTPUT);

  // initialization of the MAX7219
  setRegistry(MAXREG_SCANLIMIT, 0x07);
  setRegistry(MAXREG_DECODEMODE, 0xFF);  // full decode mode BCD 7 Seg Display
  setRegistry(MAXREG_SHUTDOWN, 0x01);    // shutdown mode OFF
  setRegistry(MAXREG_DISPTEST, 0x00);    // no test
  setRegistry(MAXREG_INTENSITY, 0);


7. Test Display Driver - Read live ADC values and print them

float read_adc()
  adc = 0;
  for (int i=0;i<spr;i++)
   adc += analogRead(0);
  nr = (float)(adc/spr-offset)*0.0009657;
 return nr;

void setup ()

void loop ()
  nr = read_adc();


Monday, June 8, 2015

Mailbag Arrival !! MAX7219 - 8 Digit LED Display Driver

     First RUN test for MAX7219 LED Display Module using ESP8266 CBDBv2 EVO Board


    Another very popular and widely available module, used already in many Projects before, meeting the ESP8266 ecosystem :)

    You can buy MAX7219 modules from Banggood, Amazon, Ebay,, quality and price might hugely vary from one to another so don't choose the cheapest one in town as you might find it as been not a very good deal to the end.


   The MAX7219 are compact, serial input/output common-cathode display drivers that interface microprocessors (µPs) to 7-segment numeric LED displays of up to 8 digits, bar-graph displays, or 64 individual LEDs. Included on-chip are a BCD code-B decoder, multiplex scan circuitry, segment and digit drivers, and an 8x8 static RAM that stores each digit. Only one external resistor is required to set the segment current for all LEDs.

   A convenient 4-wire serial interface connects to all common µPs. Individual digits may be addressed and updated without rewriting the entire display. The MAX7219  also allow the user to select code-B decoding or no-decode for each digit.

   The devices include a 150µA low-power shutdown mode, analog and digital brightness control, a scan-limit register that allows the user to display from 1 to 8 digits, and a test mode that forces all LEDs on.

Key Features

  • 10MHz Serial Interface
  • Individual LED Segment Control
  • Decode/No-Decode Digit Selection
  • 150µA Low-Power Shutdown (Data Retained)
  • Digital and Analog Brightness Control
  • Display Blanked on Power-Up
  • Drive Common-Cathode LED Display
  • 24-Pin DIP and SO Packages

Typical Application Circuit

  This is a 5V operation device. If you need to run it by the book at 3.3V Logic Level you will need to use a level shifter. In practice, as you will see below,  you can try and run it directly, a bit out of spec.   As MAX7219 HIGH logic level is at 3.5V...well...looks like it's working quite OK also in this way, in 48 hours of continuous running no freeze or strange behaviour:)

For more details please see MAX7219 Datasheet

For a true native 3V operation or segment blinking,  take also look to the MAX6951 datasheet.

What we will need:

MAX7219 - CBDBv2 EVO Connection

Wire        MAX7219     ESP8266

Green      +5Vcc
Blue        GND               GND
Yellow     DIN                 13
White      CS                  12
Orange    CLK                14

MAX7219 Driver  Implementation

  Timing Diagram

  Initial Power-Up

  On initial power-up, all control registers are reset, the display is blanked, and the MAX7219 enter shutdown mode.
  Program the display driver prior to display use. Otherwise, it will initially be set to scan one digit, it will not decode data in the data registers, and the intensity register will be set to its minimum value.

  Shutdown Mode

   When the MAX7219 is in shutdown mode, the scan oscillator is halted, all segment current sources are pulled to ground, and all digit drivers are pulled to V+, thereby blanking the display.
  • Data in the digit and control registers remains unaltered.
  • Shutdown can be used to save power or as an alarm to flash the display by successively entering and leaving shutdown mode.
  • For minimum supply current in shutdown mode, logic inputs should be at ground or V+ (CMOS-logic levels).
  • Typically, it takes less than 250μs for the MAX7219 to leave shutdown mode.
A nice thing is the fact that the display driver can be programmed while in shutdown mode, and shutdown mode can be overridden by the display-test function.

  Serial-Addressing Modes

   For the MAX7219, serial data at DIN, sent in 16-bit packets, is shifted into the internal 16-bit shift register with each rising edge of CLK regardless of the state of LOAD. For the MAX7221, CS must be low to clock data in or out. The data is then latched into either the digit or control registers on the rising edge of LOAD/CS.

  LOAD/CS must go high concurrently with or after the 16th rising clock edge, but before the next rising clock edge or data will be lost. Data at DIN is propagated through the shift register and appears at DOUT 16.5 clock cycles later.
Data is clocked out on the falling edge of CLK.
Data bits are labeled D0–D15.
D8–D11 contain the register address.
D0–D7 contain the data, and D12–D15 are “don’t care” bits.
The first received is D15, the most significant bit (MSB).

Digit and Control Registers

14 addressable digit and control registers.
The digit registers are realized with an on-chip, 8x8 dual-port SRAM. They are addressed directly so that individual digits can be updated and retain data as long as V+ typically exceeds 2V.
The control registers consist of decode mode, display intensity, scan limit(number of scanned digits), shutdown, and display test (all LEDs on).

   Decode-Mode Register

   The decode-mode register sets BCD code B (0-9, E, H, L, P, and -) or no-decode operation for each digit.
   Each bit in the register corresponds to one digit.
   A logic high selects code B decoding while logic low bypasses the decoder.

  When the code B decode mode is used, the decoder looks only at the lower nibble of the data in the digit registers (D3–D0), disregarding bits D4–D6. D7, which sets the decimal point (SEG DP), is independent of the decoder and is positive logic (D7 = 1 turns the decimal point on).

When no-decode is selected, data bits D7–D0 correspond to the segment lines of the MAX7219/MAX7221.

Intensity Control and Interdigit Blanking

  The MAX7219 allow display brightness to be controlled with an external resistor (RSET) connected between V+ and ISET.
  The peak current sourced from the segment drivers is nominally 100 times the current entering ISET.
   This resistor can either be fixed or variable to allow brightness adjustment from the front panel.
   Its minimum value should be 9.53kΩ, which typically sets the segment current at 40mA.
   Display brightness can also be controlled digitally by using the intensity register.  
   Digital control of display brightness is provided by an internal pulse-width modulator, which is controlled by the lower nibble of the intensity register.
   The modulator scales the average segment current in 16 steps from a maximum of 31/32 down to 1/32 of the peak current set by RSET.
The minimum interdigit blanking time is set to 1/32 of a cycle.

Scan-Limit Register

The scan-limit register sets how many digits are displayed, from 1 to 8.
They are displayed in a multiplexed manner with a typical display scan rate of 800Hz with 8 digits displayed.
If fewer digits are displayed, the scan rate is 8fOSC/N, where N is the number of digits scanned.
Since the number of scanned digits affects the display brightness, the scan-limit register should not be used to blank portions of the display (such as leading zero suppression).

Display-Test Register

The display-test register operates in two modes: normal and display test. Display-test mode turns all LEDs on by overriding, but not altering, all controls and digit registers(including the shutdown register).

In display-test mode, 8 digits are scanned and the duty cycle is 31/32


1.  Init

-- MAX7219 registers

DIN   = 7      -- 13 - data in pin
CS    = 6      -- 12 - load (CS) pin
CLK   = 5      -- 14 - clock pin


2. Write serialised data

function wrByte(data)
   while (i>0) 
       mask = bit.lshift(0x01,i-1)
       gpio.write( CLK, 0)    -- tick
       dser =,mask)
       if (dser > 0)
         then gpio.write(DIN, 1)   -- send 1
         else gpio.write(DIN, 0)   -- send 0
       end --endif
       gpio.write( CLK, 1)    -- tick
    end --while

3. Set Register

function setReg(reg, value)
  gpio.write(CS, 0)

  wrByte(reg)   -- specify register
  wrByte(value) -- send data

  gpio.write(CS, 0)
  gpio.write(CS, 1)

4. Convert anf Print integer number in xxxx format

 function print_led_int(c)
   th = string.format("%d",c / 1000)
   h = string.format("%d",(c-th*1000) / 100)
   t = string.format("%d", (c-th*1000-h*100) / 10)
   u = string.format("%d", c-th*1000-h*100-t*10)
   --print(string.format("%d %d %d %d", th,h,t,u))
   setReg(4, th)
   setReg(3, h)
   setReg(2, t)
   setReg(1, u)

5. Create a  Display 'ZERO' init stage

function zero_all()
   while (v<9) do

6.  MAX7219 Initialisation  

setReg(MAXREG_DECODEMODE, 0xFF)    -- full decode mode BCD
setReg(MAXREG_SHUTDOWN, 0x01)          -- not in shutdown mode
setReg(MAXREG_DISPTEST, 0x00)              -- no display test
setReg(MAXREG_INTENSITY, 0x00)            -- set Brightness
zero_all()                                                        -- set all to ZERO

7. Test Display - 9999 counter

       if (count>9999) then count=0;zero_all()

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Part 2 : ACS712 Current Sensor Board - Programming

   In this part we will explore the programming side of the ACS712 Current reading function. 

   If you didn't read yet the previous article about ACS712 Current sensor Board it might be a good idea to start from there as it will be easier to understant how it's working the entire process. You can find there schematics, theory of operation and technical related things. 

What we will need:

   ACS712  Software
  For programming CBDBv2 Board and uploading the drivers and the software we will continue to use the LuaUploader as before.

  1. Reading ACS712  with VLSAM DC

In this case, as VLSAM DC Output is already scaled to ADC input of 0-1V the only things that we need to do for proper measurements of the current are:
  • establish the LSB value for ADC 
  • extablish your own desired VLSAM Offset value. It's desired to not start your currrent range scale exactly at 0V ADC (ADC linearity, etc), for easing the calculations, just set Vdiv to have an output  of about 100mV for ZERO Amps. As ASC712/20 gives us 100mV/A that means that we will have 100mA reading for 200mV and so on, just substract your offset.   

         offset = 0.1130             -- CALIBRATE !! 
          LSB = 0.000976563   -- CALIBRATE !!

        function readADC_VLSAM()
            ad = 0
   --calibrate based on your voltage divider AND Vref!
            print("\nReadADC     : "
           ACS712 = ad*LSB
           print("Current Read: " ..string.format("%g",ACS712-offset) .."mA")
           return ACS712

   For increasing the precison of the measurement just take a bigger number of readings and obtain a average value. 128 steps looks quite ok, but in case of more noise in the system just use a bigger number and eliminate the most extreme values for the obtained interval.

function readADC_avg_VLSAM()
      ad1 = 0
      while (i<128) do --calibrate based on your voltage divider AND Vref!
      ad1 = ad1/128
      ACS712 = ad1*LSB
      print("Current Read: " ..string.format("%g",ACS712-offset) .."mA")
      return ACS712avg

 2. Direct Reading ACS712 Current Sensor

    Another available option is to read directly the ACS Current sensor output.  

    In this case because the sensor output will swing between 0 and 5V, with ZERO Amps reading at 2.5V, we will use the CBD V2 EVO Board voltage divider or add your own in case of using a different board without such capabilities.

   To better understand how it will work in this case, please take a look at the ESP8266 Internal ADC article where was also discussed the voltage divider for ADC input.

      -- Select  ADC SOURCE
     ADC_SRC = 5  -- select Voltage Divider / Current Input by default !
     gpio.mode(ADC_SRC,gpio.OUTPUT, gpio.PULLUP)

     gpio.write(ADC_SRC,1)  -- Voltage Measurement - Voltage Divider Source selected

     dival = 0.0009605      -- ADC volt/div value - CALIBRATE !!  -- USB
     resdiv = 4.31447        -- Voltage divider Ration - CALIBRATE!!
     offset = 2.45               --ACS712 measured offset - CALIBRATE !!

     function readADC_VDIV()
          adcV = 0
          advr = 0

          print("\nADCV Step   : " ..string.format("%g",advr).." steps")

         print("Current       : " ..string.format("%g",adcV-offset).." mA")
         return adcV

    For increasing the precison of the measurement just take a bigger number of readings and obtain a average value as before, but this type you need more, like 512 or even 1024. Also some extra filtering on ACS712 output will be great.

    Despite the fact that might be easier to use the Voltage divider, because of the high noise from the ASC712 output I will recommend you to use option1 - VLSAM DC . It will give you more accurate values than option2 with Voltage divider.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Mailbag Arrival !! ACS712 Current Sensor Board

   Because of the very cheap ACS712 Current Sensor Board modules available all over the place, I really think that everybody heard about ACS712 sensor from Allegro MicroSystems.

  As I was asked if "Can be used as a current sensor module for our ESP8266 Projects without too much hustle?", I ordered few of them and let's explore them for the answer :)

   The ACS712 device consists of a precise, low-offset, linear Hall circuit with a copper conduction path located near the surface of the die. That means that it is a isolated path device, a very nice thing if you want to monitor MAINS Current or any other High Voltage path that you want isolated from your device.

IMPORTANT NOTE !!  This device is a Hall Effect transducer.  It should not be used near significant magnetic fields.  If you have a magnetic noisy environment take a look at other solutions like isolation transformers, isolation OpAmps, linear isolation circuit, bus path isolation, etc.

 Theory of operation 

 Applied current flowing through the ACS712 copper conduction path generates a magnetic field which the Hall IC converts into a proportional voltage. Device accuracy is optimized through the close proximity of the magnetic signal to the Hall transducer.
A precise, proportional voltage is provided by the low-offset, chopper-stabilized BiCMOS Hall IC, which is programmed for accuracy after packaging.

  The ACS712 outputs an analog signal, VIOUT that varies linearly with the uni- or bi-directional AC or DC primary sampled current, IP (between IP+ e IP-) within the range specified.

  It requires a power supply of 5V (VCC) and two capacitors to filter power supply and output.
CF is recommended for noise management, with values that depend on the application.

Typical application from the Datasheet: 

   ACS712 Current Board comes in 3 different models of this integrated circuit, depending on the maximum measured current : 5A  20  or  30A

5A Module20A Module30A Module
Supply Voltage (VCC)     5VDC     5VDC        5VDC
Measurement Range   -5 to +5 A   -20 to +20 A        -30 to +30 A
Voltage at 0A   VCC/2     VCC/2      VCC/2
Scale Factor   185 mV/A   100 mV/A      66 mV/A
Variant  ACS712ELC-05A   ACS712ELC-10A     ACS712ELC-30A

   For our today experiment, I will use the one below, a 100mV/A one:

What we will need:
  •  ACS712 Current Board module (pick your desired choice -  5A, 20A, 30A )
  • CBDB Board ( or any other ESP8266 Board you may like but who has the same capabilities)
  •  USB adapter (take a look on Part 1 for details about the USB Adapter 
  •  2 x 10 Ω /10 W  - Load resistors
  • Connection wires - various colors
  • Breadboard
  • Bench Power Supply 
  • Voltage Level Shifter and dc amplifier module - VLSAM DC(see details below)

Voltage Level Shifter and amplifier module - VLSAM DC

  As our main goal is to explore the posibility to use the ACS712 module with ESP8266 devices, from the description above and datasheet we can identify very quick some problems that need to be solved to make ACS712 a "ESP Friendly" device:

  •  5 Vdc power supply device
  •  measure positive and negative 5/20/30Amps, corresponding to the analog output 100mV/A BUT
  • "ZERO" point, means no test current through the output voltage is VCC / 2 =5v/2=2.5V !

  • 3V only device
  • ADC range  max: 0-1V

  What we will need is to "move" the "ZERO" point as low as we want to GND and in the same time to amplify the received analog signal to obtain a better resolution in the desired measuring range. (don't forget, for our experiment we have DC only voltage here and just one current flow direction)

   So, what can be done? 

Probably they are some other solutions to this problem, and if you know any of them, please feel free to share in the comments below, but the clasical one is to use a difference amplifier:

    This kind of amplifier uses both inverting and non-inverting inputs of a OPAmp with a gain of one to produce an output equal to the difference between the inputs. Actually if you take a closer look it is a special case of the differential amplifier.
   The good thing is that in the same time you can also choose the resistances values in a way to amplify the difference

    If all the resistor values are equal, this amplifier will have a differential voltage gain of 1. The analysis of this circuit is essentially the same as that of an inverting amplifier, except that the noninverting input (+) of the op-amp is at a voltage equal to a fraction of V2, rather than being connected directly to ground. As would stand to reason, V2 functions as the noninverting input and V1 functions as the inverting input of the final amplifier circuit. Therefore:

                  Vout = V2 - V1

    If we want to provide a differential gain of anything other than 1, we would have to adjust the resistances in both upper and lower voltage dividers, necessitating multiple resistor changes and balancing between the two dividers for symmetrical operation.

    A limitation of this simple amplifier design is the fact that its input impedances are rather low compared to that of some other op-amp configurations, most notably the noninverting (single-ended input) amplifier. Each input voltage source has to drive current through a resistance, which constitutes far less impedance than the bare input of an op-amp alone. It is a solution to this problem, fortunately, quite simple,  all we need to do is “buffer” each input voltage signal through a voltage follower.

   For our case, as we want to "substract" the ACS712 - 2.5Vdc to move the "ZERO" point near GND, we will have:
  • V1 = 2.5V - can be easy obtained from 5V with a buffered voltage divider
  • V2 = VIOUT - output voltage from ASC712 Module
  • Amplification:
    • IF R1=R2=R3=R4=10K 
      •  output for ADC input of 100mV/A
      • max range: 10A
      • resolution:  10mA
    • Changing range  R1=R2=10K, R3=R4=100k 
      • output for ADC input of 1V/A
      • max range: 1A
      • resolution: 1mA

VLSAM DC Schematic

And the simulation result for a 0-10A, 2.5-3.5 VIOut sweep:

  • GREEN      - Voltage divider output  : 2.5Vdc
  • FUCHSIA  -  ASC712 VIOut            : 2.5 -> 3.5Vdc
  • RED           -  ADC input                   : 0 -> 1Vdc

So far so good, let's move it on a breadboard for a quick test: